Ready To Cut CNC Art

Military Airborne - Jump Master


by circle c fab ┬╗ Mon May 21, 2012 9:25 am
I am doing this as a gift to my brother he retired from the army and he was in the 82nd air born . I am not very good at converting pictures i would appreciate any help thank you so much Scott.
by large_time ┬╗ Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:09 pm
As a Military guy myself, man I am proud of this chunk of stainless.
I am sure that this will be the most prized piece of metal that comes out of my shop for a long long time.
Thanks so much for the share, you made my week brother!


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Thank you so much for this file! My husband is going to love his Father's Day gift! Very much appreciated!
Awesome job! Perhaps you could do one of just the 82nd unit patch or the wings with the combat jump star.

Rich Roberts, I would love to have the code for that, my wife's grandfather was 101 so I would love to make him one.
Cutting this File now for my Wifes brothers and dad. over 6,000 lines of g- code! great file!
Hello, Im new to Plasma Cutting. What thickness of material and type would you suggest I use for this?

Thank You, Mike
I'd try 14ga steel and about 18 to 24 inches wide, if the machine is dialed in to cut 14 ga

otherwise, I'd recommend working on much simpler and smaller designs until you know exactly what to do beforehand, and what to expect
What program did you use to write the g-code for this, i have fusion 360 and its a nightmare to generate a tool path so i can creat a gcode for this. it just gets stuck at 41%. to make it worse when i am selecting each geometry section for each cuts it takes me a total of an hour, i am about to rip my hair out
sheetcam is what I use to generate gcode for plasma cutting

What program did you use to write the g-code for this, i have fusion 360 and its a nightmare to generate a tool path so i can creat a gcode for this. it just gets stuck at 41%. to make it worse when i am selecting each geometry section for each cuts it takes me a total of an hour, i am about to rip my hair out
I tried doing this Jump master and I can't generate a mach 3 g-code because the fusion 360 software I have which is supposed to be the best out there keeps getting an error message when generating a tool path. It will only generate a portion of the cuts. Is anyone else deal with this?
I get this,
"Warning: One or more passes were discarded due to linking constraints" in Fusion 360/HSM CAM
I think that means the tool won't fit in all the holes

google - fusion 360 linking constraints

my drawings are not drawn to scale for any certain purpose - you (typically) have to scale them up large enough for your tool to fit in all the holes and passages

in this case however the DXF is 19.4" wide and has clearance for a tool diameter of .08 (blue line) and the letter B has the narrowest passage where a .1" diameter tool just barely won't fit (red line)

what tool size are you using
The tool size is .055"
Can I ask how you create the drawings?
I am trying to get this on done as well?
I'm still gonna do that other airborne badge for you

I will just lay that one out in corel draw

most of the time I draw a new clean black and white image in photoshop with a cintiq pen tablet then raster to vector software works like a charm

if the design with wings is around 19" wide then I'm not sure why or where fusion 360 is having problems
no I use autotrace - after I hand draw almost everything in photoshop

it is not ideal for typical consumers because it's not really a windows program and it's so old it's obsolete

I use it for technical reasons - I can get it to work better and faster - for the most part

I always say - you should try corel draw - just try it before you buy it - if you can wrap your brain around the basics, it is phenomenal - but overall it is very unnecessarily bloated and complicated to figure out nowadays if you don't just focus on it's basic layout and text and curve editing functions - even I don't know what half of it does or is good for any more
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