Ready To Cut CNC Art

two names - lucas - owen


Hey Gary. I'm wondering if you could design something for me. a lady has requested her sons names for on their walls in their bedrooms. I know her situation and id really like to do it to make her boys smile. This job is a freebie for her, just one of those jobs. I was wondering if you could make two files. A nice text with the boys names. One would say Lucas and one would be Owen. Just text a writing style with no details. Just something I can cut, paint attach a hanger for the wall. I know your very busy so I understand if it's not able to be done. If you can it's much appreciated if not its still appreciated for all the help you give to everyone. Thanks a ton!
my DXF computer is broke at the moment - the DXF is version 2k exported from corel draw -



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Thanks for the quick response! On the road this weekend and not back into the shop until Monday. I'll see how it imports and go from there. Very much appreciated! without your help I wouldn't be able to see them smile! I'll be in touch monday with you! Thanks again!

Hey there Gary! Back in the shop finally! So I've tried to open the file in every way I can with my program and this is my result. I've had this problem before importing, and I know it's due to my software. Any ideas? Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks so much!
that's where the ver. 2k DXF in corel draw has splines

my DXF computer is fixed - just had to re-seat the power supply connector

I will update the files here in a little while....
Sounds great! Thanks so much! I was figuring that might be a ver.2 thing, combined with my not so great program. Much appreciated!!
this is like I normally do it (no splines) - should work...


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Freshly cut now and smooth as ever! Thanks a ton Gary! The fast response will help me get this done quickly! Couldn't have done it without your help! Not sure if I'll get pictures of these finished or not but I'll try. This is a freebie for her, but I'll be hitting the donation button for sure! Thanks again, as always much appreciated!
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